Tuxclouds Blog

421 There are too many connections from your internet address

I’ve seen this message in a vsftpd Logfile. Default vsftpd limits the connection from one IP Address to 50. Solution is to add an unlimited value which will be 0 or a higher number of connections ...

I am already planning an extension

Obviously, thanks to tabletop games, I’m drawn out into nature, even if it’s all about finding some flat stones for the little chapel. The Chapel The first costruct is a little Chapel made out o...

Poor Througput on LAN Interface pfSense

For e.g. deactivate “Hardware Checksum Offloading check” tweeks the performance. in an opnsense you’ll find it under interface -> settings Related Netgate Documentation

Journalctl clean up and tricks

Find the current Disk Usage by journalctl journalctl --disk-usage The safest way to remove unessesary entries is via the (means leave this amount left) journalctl --vacuum-size=512M After that ...

keepalived looses VIP IP on systemd Ubuntu18 (Loadbalancers)

Version pre 2.x of keepalive which are shipped with the Ubuntu18 Repository will crash. You’ll have to configure a higher Version from source by yourself. https://github.com/acassen/keepalived/iss...

Resize root filesystem on a GPT partition

So, here is how I resized my ext4 root partition (sda2) using gdisk and resize2fs: $ gdisk /dev/sda Print information (i<enter>2) Partition GUID code: 0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 (L...

MariaDB failes to start cause of tc.log

Solution Just remove the tc.log File and afterwards the mariadb.service will start.

Fedora 27 sssd stopped working "no sudo anymore"

sudo: unable to load /usr/lib64/libsss_sudo.so: /usr/lib64/libsss_sudo.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Reason: ? Maybe due an Update it got broken. Solution: yu...

Make Reboot great again

Have you ever had such a problem? # reboot bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error # shutdown -r now bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error Obviously, there is a problem with your drive....

Dressed some up

It took me about 8 hours to paint these 64 miniatures, which were in the box of Zombicide Episode 1. Things I needed for that were out of patience: A Primer from The Army Painter - Necrotic Fle...