Tuxclouds Blog

No sleep till brooklyn for Amazon Fire TV stick

enable debugging in the settings of your fire tv stick get a adb connection tool and connect using the ip address to your fire tv stick set this values using the following commands i don’t...

WSL2 slow network

“My network in WSL2 is so slow, I am so sad.” “Hey I know something, why don’t you check the resolv.conf”. “Oh great jimkelo93, that helped me!” Yeah, fuck off. Is the network slow in throughput o...

Ruby from Ubuntu Repo is lame

First install the dependency crap. I am using Ubuntu 20.4 and 22. sudo apt update sudo apt install git curl autoconf bison build-essential \ libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev ...

NVM is more love then Ubuntu Repo

nodejs from ubuntu repo is outdate as hell The only thing that works for me, is grep the install.sh form here like so curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh ...

Golf Bad Münstereifel-Stockert - Hole 01

Hole 01 - Par 3 - Yellow 147m - Red 112m - HCP 17

Golf Bad Münstereifel-Stockert - Yardage Book

With the help of Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Google Earth and a lot of my own photos, I created a personal yardage book for the Bad Münstereifel-Stockert golf course. Those PDF Files can be downl...

Setup a Wallpaper Slideshow including Subfolders in Windows 10

Solution Open the parent folder that has the subfolders containing images. Click on the search box, and type the following search query: kind:=picture Another Windows Specical… I did not check t...

Where is the rest of the line of the ps output?

It is likely that you’re using a pager such as less or most since the output of ps aux is longer than a screenful. If so, the following options will cause (or force) long lines to wrap instead of b...

Git branching and stuff

Create new feature-branch 1) Ensure you are on master and you have the latest code git checkout master 2) Ensure you have the latest code git fetch git status git pull # or git pull --ff-only # T...

Get only a certain line out of a huge file in linux

Assuming you need lines 32 to 34 out of a large file. using awk awk 'FNR>=32 && FNR<=34' <nameofthefile> using sed sed -n '32,34p;45q' <nameofthefile>